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6 Reasons to Get a Virtual Phone System

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Virtual phone systems are becoming increasingly popular for business communications. This is because they present a way to reduce communication costs while allowing you to expand your business’ reach. Learn more about why you should choose a virtual phone system for your enterprise needs below.

Why You Should Get a Virtual Phone System

Virtual phone systems are business phone systems that come equipped with enhanced communication features to help you organize and manage calls better. With virtual or cloud phone systems, you can cut out landlines and expensive hardware upgrades. And, you can make room for global expansion, inexpensive international calling, and extended call forwarding capabilities.

This type of phone system is growing in popularity and takes your business communications to the next level. So why does your business need a virtual phone system?

Related: How to Set Up a Virtual Phone System?

1. Global Coverage

A virtual phone system gives you access to virtual numbers not only for your city and country but for other countries as well. You can get a local or toll free number for a different country and offer customer service to an international clientele.

Additionally, you can work from any place that has a reliable internet connection. This is mainly what separates a virtual system from other options. And since most public places now have easy WiFi access, you don’t have to worry about missing the next big conference call while traveling for work.

Calls can be routed to your smartphone, home office, and more so you can answer calls while on-the-go or while working from home. This kind of flexibility means you can stay completely connected to your network no matter what’s going on, or where you happen to be.

2. Flexibility and Scalability

An ideal phone system is both flexible and scalable, so you can grow as much as you need. A virtual phone system has unlimited capabilities. For example, you can add phone numbers, SIP lines, and update routing information as you go. Virtual phone systems work for small companies just as well as large ones. Therefore, there is no pressure to find a new system for communicating with customers if your company expands overnight.

More than that, many startups and midsize companies don’t necessarily want their clients to know just how small their business is. A virtual phone system gives you the tools that display the appearance of a company with vast resources at your disposal. You will be able to use toll free numbers and vanity numbers to improve professionalism and credibility.

3. Cost-Effective Communication

When your business relies heavily on new revenue, you need to have the right resources to cut down on costs. Cloud phone systems help you cut down on communication costs by reducing your monthly local and international calling bills.

Additionally, everything you need to run the system is online and stored on the cloud. This means you do not need to buy additional software or hardware or worry about its maintenance. Plus, since the system is easy to manage and use, you are also cutting down on training costs. A new employee can get started using a virtual phone system almost right away.

4. Keep Work and Personal Calls Separate

New and solo-business owners often make the mistake of using a personal cell phone or home number when they first set up a line for communications. This can get your work and personal calls mixed up, blurring the line between personal and professional time. For example, you might get interrupted by customer service complaints while spending time with your family.

Instead, a virtual phone system will still allow you to use the same cell phone or landline (device), but offer you different phone numbers, different outgoing messages, and different forwarding rules. For example, a 1-800 toll free number and your local area code number can both be directed to your smartphone. However, you can also control when you receive incoming calls from each. So no matter where you spend your time, you can be free from distractions, keeping work and personal lives separate.

5. Use Automation

Virtual phone systems also come with automation features that help cut down time spent on menial tasks. A common example of telephone automation is an efficient and well-designed IVR system. An interactive voice response system answers incoming calls and interacts with the customer through pre-recorded messages and rules.

With such a system, callers can get answers to simple questions such as business hours or location information without the need of an employee. Advanced IVR technology can even process payments, register complaints, activate accounts, etc., on its own. Instead of having an employee answer the same question multiple times a day, the IVR will explain these points through a pre-recorded menu. This will save time and free your employees up to handle more complicated tasks.

6. Block Spammers

Finally, you can block out potential spam and fraud calls. You are less inclined to answer calls from unfamiliar numbers or area codes. These calls may present new sales opportunities or telemarketing hassles. In other words, one is a valuable opportunity, the other a waste of time.

Virtual phone systems offer call screening and black and white lists for this reason entirely. You can prioritize or block certain numbers. Or, you can automatically redirect a caller to a different number. This feature is also useful if you would rather have sales calls go directly to the sales department instead of your office line. Callers won’t know if they are put on certain lists or being redirected.

Get Your Virtual Phone System Now!

In light of these benefits, if you are in the market to purchase a virtual phone system, we at Global Call Forwarding can help. Speak with our experts or sign up for a virtual number and start building your phone system today.

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