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Top Ways A Vanity Number Can Enhance Your Business

top ways a vanity number can enhance

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A vanity phone number differs from a traditional phone number because it is not assigned to a specific country code or area code. With your vanity phone number, a traditional string of numerical digits is replaced with letters or a word. These letters come together as a keyword or phrase related to your business.

Because your vanity number will be combined with your virtual phone number, forwarding calls from a vanity line to the destination of your choice can be done almost instantly. Furthermore, a vanity number can be forwarded to a landline or cellular phone. Forwarding calls to personal cell phones is also a smooth transition for business owners because virtual phone numbers work well with both IOS and Android operating systems.

Here are some of the top ways a vanity number can enhance your business.

A Vanity Number Helps With Tracking Advertising Efforts

A business owner can’t determine the best marketing strategies to increase sales and brand visibility if specific performance metrics for individual campaigns are unknown. Every marketing outlet is unique. Business owners must be aware of customer preferences and analyze what changes should be made to encourage more phone calls that convert to sales.

Analyze key metrics by gathering data that answers questions such as:

  • What is the call duration time before closing a sale?
  • Are advertisements being properly placed to attract target customers?
  • What time or day of the week does your business receives the most phone calls?

Along with tracking data, call recording can also be used as a feature of your vanity number to find key conversation points that motivate customers to buy.

Vanity Numbers Encourage Brand Recognition

One of the top ways a vanity number can enhance your business is by making your brand more recognizable. Regardless of your chosen field, most entrepreneurs are working within competitive markets. Therefore, it’s important to stand out with product knowledge and personality.

A vanity number has a unique impact because it shows potential customers that your business is both professional and creative. In fact, some of the most popular and nationally known businesses hold their rank and relevancy by using a toll free vanity phone number. Consider 1-800 Flowers, which is one of the most commonly referenced businesses with a vanity line. This floral business stands apart in a saturated market because the company is memorable and easy to contact.

By taking the time to find the right vanity number, you’re setting your business on a path to long-term success. The best way to determine which vanity number is right for you would be through testing multiple numbers to see which number truly resonates with customers and potential business partners.

Vanity Numbers Show Accessibility

Building customer loyalty is important because loyal customers will continue to buy from you and recommend your business to others. A vanity number increases referrals because it is easy to remember and customers are likely to refer your company through word of mouth recommendations.

Another advantage when choosing a vanity number as part of your marketing strategy is that your business will have a more trusted presence. Consumers are more likely to associate your company with the traditional brick-and-mortar stores they are accustomed to when shopping. Large businesses often have vanity numbers, so it’s a symbol of being highly established. If your business also has these professional phone numbers, customers are more likely to call and buy your products.

phone lady waiting
Source: Stockphoto.com O# 100211229678

Remember to Research

Researching the best vanity number to use is a critical step when selecting your phone number. There are many instances where businesses have mistakenly used similar phrases and words to describe their products and services. These same keywords and phrases are the terms customers use for online research and when browsing local directories.

Similar numbers can be problematic if your vanity number closely resembles the contact information of a competing company because this can result in a competitor getting more calls from consumers looking to buy from your business.

Finding the right balance through research is important. If you use a local phone number, you’re limiting the ability to reach out to local consumers instead of building national or global awareness, which is more profitable. If you choose an uncommon term that is misleading, callers may confuse your messaging and think you are offering a different service.

Use Vanity Numbers For Long-Term Growth

Every business owner is different, and all entrepreneurs have unique visions for their business and creative ideas that can’t be replicated. Still, what many company heads have in common is the desire for a profitable business that continues to expand as a visible and respected brand.

Before a business can begin to thrive, a company budget that implements the use of modern technology and strategies is essential. Today, more companies are recognizing how a vanity number is a strategic method to enhance their business, promote their brand, and attract more customers.

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