India Toll Free Numbers

  • Benefits of toll-free numbers
  • Buy India toll-free numbers online
  • India toll-free number format
  • Try risk-free with no contracts
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An image of India toll-free numbers.

Expanding a business to India is no simple endeavor, yet it is often necessary to tap into a variety of markets to achieve economic success. India toll-free numbers make it possible by effectively using VoIP technology to increase communications.

These numbers help businesses reach a workforce of hundreds of millions of people — many of which comprise industrial and services sectors. As a result, just by obtaining toll-free India numbers, you can open up clear, convenient communication with clients, prospects, and associates in India easily and affordably.

Get India Toll Free Numbers

Indian toll-free numbers are virtual toll-free numbers for communication within India. Global Call Forwarding offers these numbers for purchase and enables businesses located anywhere in the world to create a presence in India.

India Toll Free Number Format

India toll-free numbers are typically between 11 and 13-digits long.

The format for India toll-free numbers includes the the toll-free prefix (000800 or 1800), and a 7-digit subscriber number: (000800) xxxxxxx

How Do Toll-Free India Numbers Work?

Indian toll-free numbers are virtual numbers that are powered over the cloud. For callers in India, dialing your toll-free India number is the same experience as calling any other toll-free number in their country.

Since these numbers route digitally, your business can be located anywhere, and still receive calls from Indian customers. When a caller dials the toll-free number, it will look and work exactly like other Indian toll-free numbers. However, the number will connect to your “destination number,” anywhere in the world.

Service Features

An advanced suite of included and premium features to reliably power your business communications.

CRM Integrations

IVR/Auto Attendant

Cloud Call Recording

Virtual Voicemail

Call Flow Designer

Call Transcription

Time of Day Routing

Geographic Routing

Simultaneous Ringing

Sequential Routing

GCF Softphone

Outbound Calling

Outbound Caller ID

Number Masking

Failover Routing

Custom Reports

Call Blocking

Local Ringback Tones

Fax to Email

Rollover Minutes

How Much Do India Toll Free Numbers Cost?

We offer five different toll-free number plans. Our India toll free numbers start at $38.95 per month. They come with included minutes as well as an additional per-minute rate. Higher-priced plans offer greater calling minutes and discounts.

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How to Buy a India Toll-Free Number?

You can buy an India toll-free number from Global Call Forwarding in two ways:

To purchase your numbers online, follow these steps:

  1. Visit our Pricing page.
  2. Search for India or +91 in the left dialog box.
  3. Choose toll-free, the toll-free prefix, and number available.
  4. Then, enter your destination number in the right dialog box.
  5. Note: You can change your forward-to destination at any time.
  6. Click on View Rates and choose from our five different plans.
  7. Add premium services, if desired. We offer Call Recording, Outbound Calling, Voicemail Transcription, and Rollover Minutes.
  8. Submit your order and wait for your service to be activated.
how to get a virtual number

A Company You Can Trust

Experience unmatched expertise and support from leaders in the industry.

26 years
Phone numbers available across the globe.

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We've been in business since 1996.

Multiple layers of redundancy = Higher reliability.


Benefits of a Toll-Free Number in India

There are numerous benefits to getting an Indian toll-free number for your business. Among these are:

  • Let customers in India call you for free, easily.
  • Create an accessible means of contact for your customers, clients, and associates in India.
  • Expand your business to India using a freephone number to get started and test the market with minimal investment.
  • Give your business the appearance of being established and professional, so callers recognize that your business is legitimate and successful.

How to Get a Toll-Free India Number

To purchase a toll-free number for India, you can sign up on our website through the drop-down menus. Be prepared with information about the number you want calls from India to come to or forward to — this could be your office landline, customer service hotline, employees’ mobile phones, or a PBX. The forward-to number can always be changed and reconfigured later on. Then, follow the below steps to get an India toll-free number:

Step 1:
In the left drop-down menu, for the country, enter “India (+91).” For the number type, choose “toll-free.”

Step 2:
Then, you will enter the destination number where you want calls forwarded.

Step 3:
Follow the link for “View Rates & Try For Free,” and then choose a plan that fits your needs.

Step 4:
Select any additional features you may want, and proceed to checkout. Your number will be provided to you upon activation.

Grow Your Business in India

Expanding a company to India can be a complicated, extensive undertaking. Therefore, a company may exercise various options or look for alternatives before fully committing. India toll-free numbers are excellent tools for expanding internationally allowing a business to test a market before fully investing resources. When entering a new market, having the means to communicate within India may be a valuable way to establish a presence there. India virtual numbers may help increase the likelihood of acquiring new business prospects in the country.

Business Communications in India

Companies hoping to conduct business in India should become privy to the country’s heavy reliance on telephone services. Because of its prominent presence internationally, India is one of the foremost leaders in the telecommunications market. As of 2022, over 1.1 billion mobile phone subscriptions existed. For this reason, having an India virtual number to communicate with may be a good option for your business. Establishing a virtual presence using India toll-free virtual numbers is a smart move, as it requires minimal investment, with the potential to reach a large number of customers.

Get a Toll Free India Number Today

Global Call Forwarding offers the opportunity to increase your availability using India toll-free phone numbers, which ensures your business is dependable. To learn more about how a toll-free India number may benefit your business, contact our team today.

International Call Forwarding

Customer service and telemarketing are tools businesses may use to bolster a company’s production. Any organization to expand to various markets will require international call forwarding because the service makes it possible to address business queries on a 24/7 basis; thus, eliminating the possibility of time zones impacting production or the acquisition of new clients. Recruiting new customers in India is made into a plausible expectation with toll-free numbers. Cementing a connection in India exemplifies the initiative to increase the clientele base. India toll-free numbers provide prospective and existing customers with the comfort of creating a long-term connection. Customers have the peace of mind to know their concerns and needs can be met with just a free phone call for years to come.

Establishing a toll-free international forwarding service in India is easy and allows communication to remain strong and uninterrupted. Delve into services that will assist your growing business to exude reliability, stability, and excellence. Any top organization provides forwarding services, but the truly elite companies give their patrons the ability to be ubiquitous and available on the international level.

Mobile Numbers

Mobile users are growing at an alarming rate across the world. India itself is one of the world leaders. India toll-free numbers would be a wise investment because the country has 71 mobile phone subscribers for every 100 inhabitants. Analysts predict that smartphone penetration in India will reach 96% in 2040. Mobile phone users do not pay added fees to contact the business’s customer service line. Landlines and cell phones alike may be used to contact an organization with an India toll-free number. This service allows businesses to stay in touch with all interested parties in a remote, reliable, and fool-proof fashion. The rapid growth of global cell phone users makes having an India toll-free number a convenient tool.

F A Q | India Toll-Free Numbers

The toll free prefix for most India toll-free numbers is (000800). We also offer premium toll-free numbers for India that start with 1800.

India residents and businesses can call India toll-free numbers for free. And these calls are routed to your office, wherever it is located. With toll-free numbers, the business pays for the calls instead of the caller. This attracts more callers to a business.

India toll-free numbers give customers and interested prospects the opportunity to call your business for free to inquire about products or receive assistance from customer service.

Yes, you can use your India toll-free number from any location. Simply adjust call forwarding rules to have incoming calls routed to your location.

India toll-free numbers can only be dialed from within country, meaning these numbers cannot be dialed from other countries like the United States.

India toll-free numbers have minimal restrictions throughout India. All toll-free number types that we provide can be dialed for free from mobile phones and landlines. However, in the case of 000800 numbers, the caller must have International Direct Dial (IDD) capability enabled through his or her phone plan. In the case of 1800 numbers (toll-free premium), these numbers cannot be dialed from payphones.

You can get India toll-free numbers from a reliable service provider like Global Call Forwarding. We offer 000800 and 1800 toll-free numbers from India.

The Most Trusted Provider of Business Phone Numbers

Service quality and customer experience are our top priorities.

Phone numbers available across the globe.
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We've been in business since 1996.
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