Chinese Virtual Phone Numbers

  • Buy Chinese virtual numbers online
  • Forward calls to any location and device
  • Make outbound calls
  • 20+ cloud phone features included
  • Establish a local presence in Chinese
  • Try risk-free with no contracts
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China virtual phone numbers

Chinese virtual phone numbers serve as a valuable tool for businesses aiming to expand into and support the Chinese market. By using these numbers, companies can establish a local in-country telephone presence, which facilitates easier connections with Chinese locals. These virtual numbers are versatile, supporting both incoming and outgoing calls with a local caller ID.

What are Virtual Chinese Phone Numbers?

Virtual Chinese phone numbers are phone numbers with the country code +86 that are not tied to a specific physical phone line in China. Instead, they use Tier-1 carriers to route calls over the Internet, allowing for more flexibility and functionality compared to traditional phone numbers. This means that the owner of the number could be in a foreign location other than China.

Types of Chinese Virtual Numbers

Global Call Forwarding offers different types of China phone numbers for businesses:

  • Chinese national numbers — shared-cost numbers that can be dialed from anywhere within the country and outside the country.
  • Local Chinese numbers — available with specific area codes from top cities in the country.

Chinese Phone Number Format

The China phone number format includes country code +86, the area code, and the subscriber number:

  • The China national number format is +86 (0) 400 xxx-xxxx.
  • The China local number format is +86 (0) 10 xxxx-xxxx.

Telephone numbers in China are administered according to the Chinese Telephone Code Plan.

Service Features

An advanced suite of included and premium features to reliably power your business communications.

CRM Integrations

IVR/Auto Attendant

Cloud Call Recording

Virtual Voicemail

Call Flow Designer

Call Transcription

Time of Day Routing

Geographic Routing

Simultaneous Ringing

Sequential Routing

GCF Softphone

Outbound Calling

Outbound Caller ID

Number Masking

Failover Routing

Custom Reports

Call Blocking

Local Ringback Tones

Fax to Email

Rollover Minutes

benfits of virtual numbers

Benefits of Using a Virtual Chinese Number

Why should your business buy a Chinese phone number?

With a Chinese virtual number, you can:

  • Develop a local presence even if you are an international company
  • Gain access to the Chinese market
  • Provide services and support to local Chinese customers
  • Publish the phone number on your website to attract new customers
  • Increase revenue and sales by entering a new market
  • Get access to cloud communication features for improved call management
  • Use your number to make outbound calls to China

How Much Does a Chinese Virtual Number Cost?

Global Call Forwarding offers Chinese virtual numbers starting at $28.95 per month.

We offer five different virtual phone number plans that include monthly minutes plus an additional per-minute rate.

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How to Get a Chinese Phone Number?

You can buy a Chinese phone number from Global Call Forwarding in two ways:

To purchase your numbers online, follow these steps:

  1. Visit our Pricing page.
  2. Search for China or +86 in the left dialog box.
  3. Choose the type of number (national or geographic).
  4. Enter your destination number or SIP address in the right dialog box.
  5. Note: You can change the forward-to number at any time.
  6. Click on View Rates and choose from our five different plans.
  7. Add options features like call recording Call Recording, Outbound Calling, and Rollover Minutes.
  8. Submit your order, verify your application details, and wait for your service to be activated.
how to get a virtual number

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26 years
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We've been in business since 1996.

Multiple layers of redundancy = Higher reliability.

Types of Chinese Virtual Numbers

You can get different types of Chinese phone numbers. The type of number that works best for your company depends. These numbers are not compatible with WhatsApp or other SMS verification codes.

  • Toll Free Chinese Virtual Phone NumbersToll-free Chinese numbers have the lowest cost per minute rates, but only landlines or fax transmissions can reach these numbers. The number format is 10800 plus 3 digits plus 4 digits, for example, 10800 713 1191. Global Call Forwarding provides a selection of numbers on the “View Rates” page.
  • National Chinese Virtual Phone Numbers – Global Call Forwarding will provide National numbers upon activation. Callers can dial these numbers from landlines, mobile phones, payphones, and fax transmissions, and callers in other countries can reach the numbers. The SMS option is not available for National numbers.
  • Geographic Chinese Virtual Phone NumbersGeographic or local Chinese numbers are available in three localities: Beijing, Shanghai, and Tongchuan. These numbers give your business a virtual presence in those localities. Callers can dial them from landlines, mobile phones, payphones, and fax transmissions, and callers in other countries can reach the numbers. However, callers cannot use the optional SMS feature with Geographic numbers. Global Call Forwarding may provide subscribers with a number selection for some localities. The following sections provide more information on the cities with geographic numbers.

How to Get a Virtual Chinese Phone Number?

Here are the steps to buy a Chinese virtual phone number:

  1. Go to the Global Call Forwarding website and click on the link for “View Rates.”
  2. Under “Select Your New Phone Number” pick “China (86).”
  3. Select a number type. For Geographic numbers, you must also select a city.
  4. If given a choice, select a number. The other option is “number will be provided upon activation.”
  5. Under “Enter Your Destination Number,” select a country/ destination.
  6. Enter your destination telephone number.
  7. Click the “See additional info and restrictions” tab to view the conditions for the selected number.
  8. Click the “View Rates and Select a Plan” tab.
  9. After selecting the plan, consider whether to accept the two optional features: Rollover and Call Recording.
  10. Click “Try for Free” or “Add to Cart.”
  11. Click “Checkout Now.”
  12. Fill out billing and payment information and click “I agree to Terms and Conditions.”
  13. Finally, click “Pay and Activate.”

Doing Business in China

In order to do business in China, you first need to decide which market you want to enter and how you want to bring your business. That aside, consider logistics such as office space, Chinese phone numbers, hiring locals, connecting with suppliers, and so on. Here we will look at the top cities in China that are open for foreign business:


Beijing is the capital of the People’s Republic of China and the second-most populous city in the country. The population of the Beijing metropolitan area is 19.6 million as reported by the official Chinese Government Statistics Agency. Beijing is located in northeastern China. It has seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Forbidden City, the Grand Canal, the Great Wall, the Ming Tombs, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven, and Zhoukoudian, the latter being the cave system where “Peking Man” was discovered.

Beijing’s primary economic engines are located in six zones around the city.

  • China’s silicon village, Zhongguancun, is home to both established and startup tech companies.
  • Beijing Financial Street, on the west side of the city, features the headquarters of large state banks and insurance companies.
  • Beijing Central Business District has the city’s skyscraper office buildings. Foreign companies and professional service firms occupy these buildings.
  • Yizhuang, the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Area, is an industrial park with pharmaceutical, information technology, and material engineering companies.
  • The Beijing Airport Economic Zone is home to logistics, airline services, and trading firms, as well as Beijing’s automobile assembly plants.
  • The Beijing Olympic Center Zone is an area for entertainment, sports, tourism, and business conventions.

You can use Beijing virtual numbers to tap into this booming economy.


Shanghai is the most populous city in China with a 2020 municipal population over 26 million. The city is located in the Yangtze River Delta on the mid-east coast of China, bordering on the East China Sea.

Shanghai is the commercial and financial center of China. It also has the highest cost of living of any Mainland China city.

Financial services, retail, and real estate make up the majority of Shanghai’s service industry. Shanghai has the world’s busiest container port and a large shipbuilding base, notably the Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding Group and the Jiangnan Shipyard. The city plays a key role in China’s heavy industries including China’s largest steelmaker, the Baosteel Group.

The Shanghai-based automaker, SAIC Motor, has strategic partnerships with Volkswagen and General Motors. In addition, Shanghai has the largest free trade zone (an area for offloading, re-processing, and exporting goods without customs authorities’ intervention.) in China.


Tongchuan is a prefecture-level municipality in Shaanxi Province with a 2020 population of 34.9 million. (A prefecture-level municipality is an administrative division between a province and a county.) It is centrally located in China. The basis of Tongchuan’s economy is aluminum and chemical industries, building materials, coal, farm and food products, machinery, medicines, porcelain, pottery, and textiles.

Get a Chinese Phone Number with Us

Global Call Forwarding can provide your company with a Chinese phone number and additional features and services such as international call forwarding, call recording, time-based routing, and so on. Sign up today or speak with your global experts to learn more!

Related: Comparison of China Virtual Numbers Providers

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F A Q | Chinese Virtual Phone Number

Chinese virtual numbers are cloud-based phone numbers that transmit calls using the internet instead of traditional phone lines. This makes it possible to make and receive calls from any location or device.

The country code for Chinese phone numbers is (+86).

An example of a Chinese phone number would be +86 (10) 1234-5678. This consists of China’s country calling code (+86), the local area code for Beijing (10), and the subscriber number (8 digits).

You can get different types of Chinese virtual phone numbers for your business including national and local China numbers.

Chinese virtual numbers use international call forwarding and VoIP technology to send and receive calls through an internet network. And users can forward Incoming calls to any location in the world.

Yes, you can use your Chinese virtual number from any location or device as long as you have a stable internet connection.

Virtual phone service providers like Global Call Forwarding offer different types of Chinese virtual numbers among other business phone services.