Area code 214 is one of the 86 original area codes, which were created by AT&T and the Bell System in the year 1947. The 214 area code is located in Texas and covers roughly 2,663,769 phone numbers, many of which are in Dallas. Dallas is the largest city within this area code with a population of approximately 1.3 million. Dallas is the ninth largest city in the United States and the third largest within the state of Texas. The area code 214 includes a variety of major cities in Texas, like Plano, Arlington, Irving, Carrolton, Grand Prairie, and Lancaster. The 214 area code is located in the Central time zone.
For business purposes, the choice of area code may be more significant than a zip code, according to a number of industry experts. Many business owners believe that having a specific area code can lend credibility to a business and give the business an advantage over the competition. Buying a US phone number in Dallas, particularly a 214 Area Code – Dallas number can help a small business convey a multi-city feel or even help a large business that is looking to offer a local feel.
Building credibility with a business’ target market is essential for business owners, particularly small businesses. A phone number can make a significant impression.
With the large number of technological solutions available today, a business owner can get a local phone number for their business from a cloud-based phone service to put their customers at ease in dialing to an area code that is recognizable to them. 214 Area Code – Dallas phone numbers offer a certain status, a sense of solid establishment and they help to gain the trust of consumers and clients for any business looking to create a presence in Dallas.

A business owner does not need to have a physical office location in Dallas or even in the state of Texas in order to purchase a 214 Area Code – Dallas business phone number. Cloud-based systems exist in order to allow a business to post the 214 Area Code – Dallas phone number on their business website and any other marketing materials and the calls can then be automatically rerouted to a phone number of choice for the business. Incoming calls to the business can be set up to redirect to a landline or a mobile phone line anywhere across the globe.
With developments in business progressing at a more rapid pace than ever and competition getting more fierce in nearly every industry, it is important to take advantage of whatever options may give your business a competitive advantage.
Many people view a phone number with a specific, well-recognized area code as a type of virtual real estate. These specific area codes have value and can add value to the image of a business. Particularly for residents of Dallas and surrounding areas, those three digits can really mean something. 214 Area Code – Dallas phone numbers symbolize established authenticity.
Global Call Forwarding’s focus is on setting up virtual phone numbers for clients. These virtual phone numbers can be set up from anywhere across the United States as well as from many countries worldwide. Clients who utilize Global Call Forwarding are able to gain access to their accounts and control features online using a very simple system for navigation.
The business climate in Dallas is robust and growing. Whether you’re looking to launch a new business or expand an existing one, Dallas is the place to be. There are an array of positives, including resources and training for entrepreneurs as well as businesses looking to expand globally, support available for the development of new products and technologies, and an array of financial support that is necessary in order to grow a business.
Dallas offers a very stable environment, a sizeable economy, and access to one of the most traveled areas of the United States. Business owners and industry experts do not anticipate that will change and, in fact, are very optimistic about the future of business in Dallas. Startups and business growth are widespread in Dallas, with an increasing number of businesses launching and thriving past their initial years. Dallas is a prime market in the state of Texas, the region, the United States, and across the world.
For a business that is interested in launching or expanding their reach into Dallas, there will undoubtedly be a large array of decisions to be made in order to achieve success in this market. A 214 Area Code – Dallas virtual phone number assists in establishing that solid presence that is needed in order to succeed. Global Call Forwarding can easily set up a 214 Area Code – Dallas number for your business.