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how to get canada phone numberIn spite of the growth of new media, telephone communication remains an important facet for any business because it connects callers with a human voice. Such a personal and immediate presence is crucial for maintaining your customer base and also for attracting prospective customers. There’s no better way than a phone call for a customer to get an effective response.

Telephone communication is also vital for you and your business team. Teleconferencing calls can bring you and your employees together wherever you or they are in the world at just a fraction of the cost of global travel. Attendees can call in using a toll-free number and access code to enter the virtual conference room and interact with colleagues. This is a great way to keep everyone on the same page with your business and marketing strategies.

These days you can build an international presence in any country with virtual toll-free phone numbers, and Canada is no exception. Canada toll-free numbers allow you to appear local to Canadian clients, no matter where your company is based.

Doing Business in Canada

Many overseas companies choose to operate in Canada and it’s easy to see why. The economy is diverse and highly developed. As one of the world’s wealthiest nations, Canada has a high standard of living and quality of life. On par with most other developed countries, the Canadian economy is dominated by the service industry, which employs 75 percent of Canadians and accounts for 70 percent of GDP. The largest employer in this sector is retail, and it is concentrated in clusters of chain stores. There has recently been an increase in the number of Canadian big-box stores.

The second-largest section of the service industry is business services, such as real estate, communications industries and financial services. This rapidly growing economic sector is based largely in Canada’s major urban areas such as Vancouver and Toronto. The third largest sector in Canada is the healthcare industry, which is largely under the influence of the Canadian government. The rapid growth of the healthcare industry has led to some problems finding and allocating funds.

Canada has the world’s third largest reserve of petroleum and is the fourth largest exporter of natural gas. Canada is unique among developed countries because of its value of primary sector industries such as oil and logging. The country has a relatively large manufacturing sector, which is based in Central Canada, the aircraft and auto industries are predominant. Because of its long coastline, Canada has the world’s eighth largest commercial seafood and fishing industry. The country is also a global leader in the high tech industry.

Why Get Virtual Canada Phone Numbers?

The advantages of Canada phone numbers for your business are numerous. They include:

Small business owners can expand their international presence affordably and efficiently. You don’t need to spend money on developing a physical presence overseas.

Business and personal contacts can be kept separately. You can publish your business number online while keeping your personal number private.

Companies can maintain consistent branding. Your customers will think more highly of your business if you have a professional greeting on your business line.

Virtual Canada phone numbers have additional features. With Global Call Forwarding, you can choose from a suite of extra features such as interactive voice response (IVR), which allows calls to be answered by a computerized greeting system then directed to the appropriate department.

Because you don’t need to purchase extra hardware, virtual Canada phone numbers are very affordable. With your increase in customers, the service will soon pay for itself.

You get a Canada phone number to expand your market. Customers will be able to reach you anywhere at no charge to them.

How Virtual Canada Phone Numbers Work

Global Call Forwarding is easy to activate. Once you have set up an account and received your Canada phone numbers, clients will be able to call you straight away. You customer dials the number we provide, our service forwards the call to you, wherever you are in the world, and you pick up the call directly or have it answered by your customer service team.

Get ahead in business right now by expanding your company’s range to overseas clients with virtual Canada phone numbers. Current and potential customers will appreciate a local Canadian number. Don’t miss out on business from clients outside of your “contact us” range. Activate local or toll free Canada phone numbers and have your calls forwarded anywhere in the world so you can stay connected to countries that were previously unaffordable due to expensive international calling rates. You can even take a free trial with Global Call Forwarding to experience first-hand how we can help your business grow.

How To Get Started
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Service Features

A reliable suite of included and premium features to power your business communications.

CRM Integrations

IVR/Auto Attendant

Cloud Call Recording

Virtual Voicemail

Call Flow Designer

Call Transcription

Time of Day Routing

Geographic Routing

Simultaneous Ringing

Sequential Forwarding

GCF Softphone

Outbound Calling

Outbound Caller ID

Number Masking

Failover Forwarding

Custom Reports

Call Blocking

Local Ringback Tones

Fax to Email

Rollover Minutes

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