Home » ITFS Numbers » Services » Hong Kong ITFS Number

hong kong itfs numberWith an International Toll Free Service, or Hong Kong ITFS number, a customer in Hong Kong is able to contact a business using their phone number without being charged for the call. It works almost exactly the same at a United States toll free phone number. You may know them yourself – they usually begin with a 1800.

Of course, the numbers will change depending on the country you are in, but if you are looking to jump into new markets and expand your customer base as a company, Global Call Forwarding is able to set you up with a Hong Kong ITFS number. Of course, our services are available in more than 120 countries, but Hong Kong especially is a thriving city that could be worthy of your attention.

Customers or potential customers are always more likely to call ITFS numbers simply because they recognize them. Toll free numbers have been around for a long time, and they hold a true value for that reason alone. Callers are also not charged after the fact. For other companies with international lines, no one likes to pay just to make a call. A Hong Kong ITFS number will give you an edge over the other competitors in your market.

How Do I Get an ITFS Number in Hong Kong?

Global Call Forwarding can help you get a Hong Kong ITFS number right away. We are known for having the largest selection of toll free numbers in the world.

Here is how it works. Our international call forwarding, or call diverting, service activates your current phone number. Select a Hong Kong ITFS number and forward incoming phone calls to your activated line (or lines, if you choose). This setup is perfect, whether you have a home office, physical office building, or you are constantly working from remote locations. This also works if you have teams of employees working underneath you.

Toll free numbers are an incredibly smart marketing tool as well. Think about the last time you made an international call. Were there complicated prefixes involved, and did you have to get directed from agent to agent until you finally found the department you were looking for? In contrast, a Hong Kong ITFS number will save your clients and partners the headache of going through this process. You and your agents will be more accessible than ever.

Business Advantages of Your ITFS Number

Hong Kong is a key player in the international market, and your company should not miss out on the opportunity to participate. Some of their best sectors include finance, cross border e-commerce, education, mobile apps, technology, and hardware.

It is time to connect Hong Kong and your business together with a Hong Kong ITFS number. With Global Call Forwarding, you do not have to contact your current phone provider to assign complicated lines to your employees. With our advanced phone call forwarding and international toll free service, you can redirect calls where you like, even when you are in a different time zone. Your connections in Hong Kong will thank you for it.

Global Call Forwarding For Advanced Services

Choose from any one of Global Call Forwarding’s advanced services for your Hong Kong ITFS number. Our scalable and innovative telecom services will keep you up to date on the latest in communications technology to keep your company moving forward. Here are just a few of the free advanced options that are available to you:

Custom ring tone: The ring tone on your toll free number will be able to match the local Hong Kong ring tone. This makes you seem like a local business and a business with big resources at the same time.

Simultaneous multiple lines: When you receive calls on a local number, it can be directed to multiple lines at the same time. In this way, the call is more likely to be picked up than missed by you or your employees.

Times of the day, days of the week: Calls can be received based off of a local area’s time zone. This feature is perfect for companies who run call centers in different countries. When one is not in the office, it can be directed to another! This way, you are always covered.

Personalized voice messaging: Record a custom greeting for your callers when they call your ITFS number. This adds a special touch to the communications you provide for your clients.

As you can see, there are so many ways to improve your business and increase your revenue with Global Call Forwarding. Contact us about getting a Hong Kong ITFS number for your business today.

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Service Features

A reliable suite of included and premium features to power your business communications.

CRM Integrations

IVR/Auto Attendant

Cloud Call Recording

Virtual Voicemail

Call Flow Designer

Call Transcription

Time of Day Routing

Geographic Routing

Simultaneous Ringing

Sequential Forwarding

GCF Softphone

Outbound Calling

Outbound Caller ID

Number Masking

Failover Forwarding

Custom Reports

Call Blocking

Local Ringback Tones

Fax to Email

Rollover Minutes

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