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Source: Stockphoto.com O#20443 – ID# 100142012954

In today’s global marketplace, there are plenty of options for businesses to expand their presence in Hong Kong thanks to advancements in cloud computing. Most prominent of these advancements is virtual phone numbers, which route calls from Hong Kong phone numbers to a destination phone number, which can be located anywhere in the world.

About Virtual Numbers

Virtual phone number make conducting business operations in Hong Kong more feasible than most traditional methods. Even though Hong Kong has one of the best free economies that welcome foreign entities, there are still obstacles that present challenges to small businesses and startups that want a piece of the action. With virtual phone numbers, organizations can sidestep the traditional steps of expansion, like setting up a branch office and leasing property to fully exploit the market potential. Instead, virtual numbers offer a host of benefits that can get your business up and running without bureaucratic hassles and delays, like securing visas for key employees and hiring foreign staff.

In this article, we’ll look at a brief overview of Hong Kong’s modernized economy and how businesses can use Hong Kong phone numbers to tap into the economy of Hong Kong. First, let’s take a look at why your organization should expand to Hong Kong’s markets.

Hong Kong’s Modern Economy

Hong Kong is one of the world’s largest international financial centers that has shown unprecedented growth, thanks to its shift from its conservative origins to its now laissez-faire economy. International entities prefer to position their business operations in Hong Kong, as the country offers a low taxation policy, free port trade status, and other benefits that other countries in Asia don’t have.

As a result of Hong Kong’s welcoming trade stance, the economy has been booming. The Hong Kong GDP as of 2017, reached a record high of $453 billion, with its citizens having the 10th highest per-capita income, at $61,015. To tap into these markets, businesses would be wise to get Hong Kong phone numbers to begin communicating.

There’s no better way than communicating directly with Hong Kong citizens and the many international businesses that operate there than by using Hong Kong phone numbers. Here are some benefits to using Hong Kong phone numbers from service providers like Global Call Forwarding.

hong kong phone numbers
Source: Stockphoto.com O#20443 – ID# 100093948038

Benefits of Using Hong Kong Phone Numbers

Hong Kong phone numbers obviously allow you to call and receive calls from people and businesses in Hong Kong. However, when this is coupled with the benefits and flexibility of virtual phone numbers, foreign businesses benefit greatly.

First, virtual phone numbers use the aforementioned service of call routing (known as “call forwarding”) to instantly funnel calls to another location. If your business already has a sales team and call center established, getting Hong Kong phone numbers can send these calls to your waiting team.

Instead of hiring foreign staff and securing visas for key employees to establish a brick and mortar presence, your business instantly taps into markets as soon as callers begin to call your virtual phone numbers. This is great for financially-strapped startups and bootstrapped businesses that are eager to leverage efficient technology while sidestepping the slower traditional methods of setting up shop in Hong Kong. Further, if your business works through a virtual office, virtual phone numbers dovetail nicely in completing the picture of a lean business model.

Secondly, Hong Kong phone numbers through Global Call Forwarding can work on any device that you normally use to take calls. There’s no need to purchase expensive proprietary hardware or sell off what you already use to facilitate calls to and from your business. Virtual phone numbers work on smartphones, headsets, laptops, desktops, tablets and more — if it can receive audio, you can take and make calls using virtual phone numbers.

Thirdly, virtual phone numbers are an easy concept for your employees to use. Using Global Call Forwarding’s intuitive dashboard, your employees can immediately begin fielding calls without getting caught up in needlessly-complex software. Additionally, virtual phone numbers offer a host of advanced features that can be implemented once you’ve realized the potential of virtual phone numbers. This includes “simultaneous ringing,” and “call recording.”

Fourth, virtual phone numbers are indistinguishable from “normal” Hong Kong phone numbers. This means that callers recognize these virtual numbers as originating in Hong Kong, not coming from elsewhere. When they call these Hong Kong phone numbers, callers aren’t charged long-distance fees and they won’t have their calls blocked for calling from outside the country.

Last, virtual phone numbers are extremely versatile and they come in a number of varieties. For instance, if you subscribe to Hong Kong virtual phone numbers from Global Call Forwarding, your business has the option to get toll free numbers (mobile accessible) or national numbers (subject to availability). Giving your customers the options of how they interact with your organization goes a long way towards establishing success in new Hong Kong markets. This is something your customers will highly appreciate and has the potential to have positive effects on your bottom line.

If you’ve made the decision to acquire Hong Kong phone numbers, contact Global Call Forwarding today. Our team can get your Hong Kong phone numbers set up instantly so your business can start expanding its operations into this exciting region today.

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Service Features

A reliable suite of included and premium features to power your business communications.

CRM Integrations

IVR/Auto Attendant

Cloud Call Recording

Virtual Voicemail

Call Flow Designer

Call Transcription

Time of Day Routing

Geographic Routing

Simultaneous Ringing

Sequential Forwarding

GCF Softphone

Outbound Calling

Outbound Caller ID

Number Masking

Failover Forwarding

Custom Reports

Call Blocking

Local Ringback Tones

Fax to Email

Rollover Minutes

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