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Located on Europe’s Iberian Peninsula, Spain is the sixth largest European country. It is comprised of 17 regions and has a diverse geography and multifaceted culture. Spain is so much more than sunshine and beaches. It is home to major urban areas such as the capital Madrid as well as Barcelona, Seville, Malaga, Bilbao, and Valencia. If you want to expand your business into Spain, you will want to get a Spain phone number to give your business the local presence it deserves.

Spanish culture is based on a number of European influences and is renowned for its flamboyant festivals, which make it a tremendously popular tourist destination. Perhaps one of Spain’s best-known traditions is the siesta. The Spanish people understand the importance of balancing their workload and making time to relax, which is why workers and students often return home around lunch time each day to spend a few hours resting or enjoying quality time with their families before returning to work or their studies. Though the tradition of the siesta was originally developed as a way to avoid the midday heat, it remains a major part of the culture in smaller towns and cities throughout Spain.

Spain is a constitutional monarchy, which has been headed King Felipe VI since 2013. The country’s government is a parliamentary democracy. Spain is a major developed country and has the world’s fourteenth largest economy based on GPD. It holds memberships to the European Union, the Council of Europe, the Eurozone, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and World Trade Organization.

The Spanish Economy

The Spanish economy is the fifth-largest in Europe and the fourth largest in the Eurozone. The country is currently the world’s twelfth-largest exporter and sixteenth-largest importer. Spain experienced a severe financial crisis during 2007-08 causing the economy to plunge into recession. The crisis left more than 25 percent of Spain’s workforce unemployed by the end of 2012.

By 2013, the economic situation was steadily beginning to improve. After running a trade deficit for almost three decades, Spain managed to attain a trade surplus in the same year. This kept strengthening during 2014 and 2015. In just two years, the Spanish economy managed to recover 85 percent of the GDP lost during the recession. The Spanish economy is predicted to remain the strongest performing economy in the Eurozone for the next year.

Traditionally an agrarian economy, the country is still the largest global producer of olive oil and the third-largest wine producer. Spain is also Europe’s largest producer of oranges, lemons, and strawberries. Spain virtual numbers from Global Call Forwarding are very common for farmers and producers of crops because it helps international businesses get in touch to buy their products. It’s important to note, however, that agriculture contributes less than 3.5 percent of the nation’s GDP.

Spain holds the third-largest tourism industry in the world, and this provides the nation’s main source of income. As well as contributing almost 11 percent to Spain’s GDP, tourism also employs around 2 million people. Furthermore, the tourism industry also helps to stimulate Spanish export trade. Spain also has a significant automotive industry and is among the world’s top ten car manufacturers.

Doing Business in Spain

Conducting business in Spain is very similar to doing business in the rest of Europe. The Spanish people are very tolerant and open to people of other nationalities. Foreign investors have often attracted to Spain because of its solid domestic market and also the fact that it can be a gateway to other European markets. The downfall is that because Spain is still heavily shrouded in bureaucracy, there can be a number of challenges to expanding in or investing in the private sector. Fortunately, you can avoid these complications by activating virtual Spain phone numbers such as those provided by Global Call Forwarding.

Why your Company Needs Virtual Spain Phone Numbers

Whichever country you are doing business in, communication is key. But if you are seeking to expand your company to overseas countries, one thing you must be sure of is that your international customers trust you and have confidence in your communications skills. This means offering optimum customer service. If your company operates outside of Spain, but you wish to have influence in the Spanish market, virtual Spain phone numbers give your existing, and potential Spanish customers access to local toll-free numbers so they can contact you easily without having to worry about international dialing codes and long-distance charges.

How Virtual Spain Phone Numbers Work

All you have to do is activate your local Spain phone numbers. The service is affordable and efficient. When your Spanish customers make calls, they are immediately redirected to the number of your choice, whether it’s your office, your call center, or your personal mobile. You can be confident you will always receive calls from your Spain phone numbers wherever you are in the world. In addition to your virtual Spain phone numbers, you can also get optional services such as simultaneous ringing, voicemail, forward fax, call transfer, call recording, and account management.

Talk to your service representatives at Global Call Forwarding to find out more about how we can help your business expand with virtual Spain phone numbers.

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Service Features

A reliable suite of included and premium features to power your business communications.

CRM Integrations

IVR/Auto Attendant

Cloud Call Recording

Virtual Voicemail

Call Flow Designer

Call Transcription

Time of Day Routing

Geographic Routing

Simultaneous Ringing

Sequential Forwarding

GCF Softphone

Outbound Calling

Outbound Caller ID

Number Masking

Failover Forwarding

Custom Reports

Call Blocking

Local Ringback Tones

Fax to Email

Rollover Minutes

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