Guide to making international phone calls in 2024.
Source: – Lic#4515336 ID#27446420

In order to make an international phone call, there are several bits of information you need to know.

You must first know the exit code or dial-out code. This code allows you to dial outside of the country that you are calling from and is unique for each country. Once you pick up your phone and hear a dial tone, you dial this code.

The next digits that you dial is the international call prefix or country code of the country that you are trying to call. The country code can be anywhere from 1 to 3 digits. See our table below for your specific country’s international prefix.

After dialing the country code, you must dial the area or city code. This too can be anywhere from 1 to 3 digits and narrows down your call to a smaller geographic region within the country you are calling.

Finally, you dial the local number or subscriber and you are then finished dialing.

So let’s say you are trying to call a local number in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from Miami, Florida, USA. In this example, we will say the local number is “234-5678”. We know that 011 is the US exit code. The country code for Brazil is 55. The city code (or area code) for Sao Paulo is 11. This is all the information we need. To make the call, we would dial 011 (55) (11) 2345678.

As you can see we dial the US exit code 011, followed by Brazil’s country code 55, then Sao Paolo’s area code 11, and then the local number 2345-6789. It’s that simple.

How to call international in 2024.

An image of people making international calls in a contact center.
Source: O#23559 – ID#100236008132

How to Save Money When You Make International Calls

Now that you know how to make an international call, it’s important to know how to save money on the call. Calling internationally can be very expensive if you do not use the right carrier. There are, however, methods to find the best and cheapest carrier for each international call you make. One such method is known as international VoIP.

Some carriers charge higher rates than others to some countries and lower rates to other countries. Having one carrier will not ensure that you always get the lowest international calling rate. When using international VoIP, the provider chooses the cheapest carrier for each call you make.

How this works is you dial a unique access number given to you by your provider and hang up. You are not charged for this call. The provider then calls you back and when you answer, they prompt you for your PIN number and the international number you are trying to call. Based on where you are calling, the provider selects the cheapest carrier for that call and that is what you are charged. Using the international callback method to make international calls can save you up to 80% on the call.

Country Name Exit / Dial-Out Code Country Code / International Prefix National Prefix National (Significant) Number
Afghanistan 00 +93 0 9 digits
Albania 00 +355 0 3 to 9 digits
Algeria 00 +213 0 8, 9 digits
American Samoa 011 +1 (684) 1 (684)+7 digits
Andorra 00 +376 6, 8, 9 digits
Angola 00 +244 0 9 digits
Anguilla 011 +1 (264) 1 (264)+7 digits
Antigua and Barbuda 011 +1 (268) 1 (268)+7 digits
Argentina 00 +54 0 10 digits
Armenia 00 +374 0 8 digits
Aruba 00 +297 7 digits
Ascension 00 +247 4 digits
Australia 0011 +61 0 4 to 15 digits
Australian Capital Territory 00 +672 0 6 digits
Austria 00 +43 0 4 to 13 digits
Azerbaijan 00 +994 0 8 to 9 digits
Bahamas, The 011 +1 (242) 1 (242)+7 digits
Bahrain 00 +973 8 digits
Bangladesh 00 +880 0 6 to 10 digits
Barbados 011 +1 (246) 1 (246)+7 digits
Belarus 810 +375 8 9 to 10 digits
Belgium 00 +32 0 8 to 9 digits
Belize 00 +501 7 digits
Benin 00 +229 8 digits
Bermuda 011 +1 (441) 1 (441)+7 digits
Bhutan 00 +975 7 to 8 digits
Bolivia 00 +591 0 8 digits
Bosnia and Herzegovina 00 +387 0 8 digits
Botswana 00 +267 7 to 8 digits
Brazil 00 +55 0 10 digits
British Virgin Islands 011 +1 (284) 1 (284)+7 digits
Brunei 00 +673 7 digits
Bulgaria 00 +359 0 7 to 9 digits
Burkina Faso 00 +226 8 digits
Burma 00 +95 0 7 to 9 digits
Burundi 00 +257 8 digits
Cambodia 001, 007 +855 0 8 digits
Cameroon 00 +237 8 digits
Canada 011 +1 1 10 digits
Cape Verde 00 +238 7 digits
Cayman Islands 011 +1 (345) 1 (345)+7 digits
Central African Republic 00 +236 8 digits
Chad 00 +235 6, 7 digits
Chile 1YZ0 +56 1YZ 8 to 9 digits
China 00 +86 0 5 to 12 digits
Colombia 009/007/005 +57 09/07/2005 8, 10 digits
Comoros 00 +269 7 digits
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 00 +243 0 5 to 9 digits
Congo, Republic of the 00 +242 6 to 7 digits
Cook Islands 00 +682 5 digits
Costa Rica 00 +506 8 digits
Côte d’Ivoire 00 +225 8 digits
Croatia 00 +385 0 8 to 12 digits
Cuba 119 +53 0 6 to 8 digits
Cyprus 00 +357 8, 11 digits
Czech Republic 00 +420 4 to 12 digits
Denmark 00 +45 8 digits
Diego Garcia 00 +246 7 digits
Djibouti 00 +253 6 digits
Dominica 011 +1 (767) 1 (767)+7 digits
Dominican Republic 011 +1 (809/829) 1 (809/829)+7 digits
Ecuador 00 +593 0 8 digits
Egypt 00 +20 0 7 to 9 digits
El Salvador 00 +503 7, 8, 11 digits
Equatorial Guinea 00 +240 6 digits
Eritrea 00 +291 0 7 digits
Estonia 00 +372 7 to 10 digits
Ethiopia 00 +251 0 9 digits
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) 00 +500 5 digits
Faroe Islands 00 +298 6 digits
Fiji 00 +679 7 digits
Finland 00,99X +358 0 5 to 12 digits
France 00 +33 0 9 digits
French Departments and Territories in the Indian Ocean 00 +262 9 digits
French Guiana 00 +594 9 digits
French Polynesia 00 +689 6 digits
Gabon 00 +241 6, 7 digits
Gambia, The 00 +220 7 digits
Georgia 8 +995 8 8 digits
Germany 00 +49 0 6 to 13 digits
Ghana 00 +233 0 5 to 9 digits
Gibraltar 00 +350 8 digits
Global Mobile SatelliteSystem (GMSS), sharedcode +881
Greece 00 +30 0 10 digits
Greenland 00 +299 6 digits
Grenada 011 +1 (473) 1 (473)+7 digits
Group of countries, shared code +388
Guadeloupe 00 +590 9 digits
Guam 011 +1 (671) 1 (671)+7 digits
Guatemala 00 +502 8 digits
Guinea 00 +224 8 digits
Guinea-Bissau 00 +245 7 digits
Guyana 001 +592 7 digits
Haiti 00 +509 8 digits
Holy See (Vatican City) +379
Holy See (Vatican City) 00 +39 up to 11 digits
Honduras 00 +504 7, 8 digits
Hong Kong 001 +852 4, 8 to 9 digits
Hungary 00 +36 6 8 to 9 digits
Iceland 00 +354 7, 9 digits
India 00 +91 0 7 to 10 digits
Indonesia 001, 008 +62 0 5 to 10 digits
Inmarsat SNAC 00 +870 9 digits
International Freephone Service +800 8 digits
International Networks, shared code +882
International Networks, shared code +883
International Premium Rate Service (IPRS) +979 9 digits
International Shared Cost Service (ISCS) +808 8 digits
Iran 00 +98 0 6 to 10 digits
Iraq 00 +964 0 8 to 10 digits
Ireland 00 +353 0 7 to 11 digits
Israel 00, 012, 013, 014 +972 0 8 to 9 digits
Italy 00 +39 up to 11 digits
Jamaica 011 +1 (876) 1 (876)+7 digits
Japan 10 +81 0 9 to 10 digits
Jordan 00 +962 0 5 to 9 digits
Kazakhstan 810 +7 8 10 digits
Kenya 00 +254 0 6 to 10 digits
Kiribati 00 +686 5 digits
Korea, North 00 +850 0 3 to 10 digits
Korea, South 001, 002 +82 82 8 to 11 digits
Kuwait 00 +965 7, 8 digits
Kyrgyzstan 00 +996 0 9 digits
Laos 00 +856 0 8 to 9 digits
Latvia 00 +371 7, 8 digits
Lebanon 00 +961 0 7 to 8 digits
Lesotho 00 +266 8 digits
Liberia 00 +231 7 to 8 digits
Libya 00 +218 0 8 to 9 digits
Liechtenstein 00 +423 7 to 9 digits
Lithuania 00 +370 0 8 digits
Luxembourg 00 +352 4 to 11 digits
Macau 00 +853 7 to 8 digits
Macedonia [FYROM] 00 +389 0 8 digits
Madagascar 00 +261 9 to 10 digits
Malawi 00 +265 7, 8 digits
Malaysia 00 +60 0 7 to 9 digits
Maldives 00 +960 7 digits
Mali 00 +223 8 digits
Malta 00 +356 8 digits
Marshall Islands 011 +692 1 7 digits
Martinique 00 +596 9 digits
Mauritania 00 +222 7 digits
Mauritius 00 +230 7 digits
Mayotte +269
Mexico 00 +52 1 10 digits
Micronesia, Federated States of 011 +691 1 7 digits
Moldova 00 +373 0 8 digits
Monaco 00 +377 5 to 9 digits
Mongolia 001 +976 0 7 to 8 digits
Montenegro 00 +382 0 4 to 12 digits
Montserrat 011 +1 (664) 1 (664)+7 digits
Morocco 00 +212 0 9 digits
Mozambique 00 +258 8 to 9 digits
Namibia 00 +264 0 6 to 10 digits
Nauru 00 +674 4, 7 digits
Nepal 00 +977 0 8 to 9 digits
Netherlands 00 +31 0 9 digits
Netherlands Antilles 00 +599 0 6 to 8 digits
New Caledonia 00 +687 6 digits
New Zealand 00 +64 0 3 to 10 digits
Nicaragua 00 +505 8 digits
Niger 00 +227 8 digits
Nigeria 009 +234 0 7 to 10 digits
Niue 00 +683 4 digits
Northern Territory 011 +1 (670) 1 (670)+7 digits
Norway 00 +47 5, 8 digits
Oman 00 +968 7 to 8 digits
Pakistan 00 +92 0 8 to 11 digits
Palau 011 +680 7 digits
Panama 00 +507 7, 8 digits
Papua New Guinea 00 +675 4 to 11 digits
Paraguay 00 +595 0 5 to 9 digits
Peru 00 +51 0 8 to 11 digits
Philippines 00 +63 0 8 to 10 digits
Poland 00 +48 0 6 to 9 digits
Portugal 00 +351 9, 11 digits
Puerto Rico 011 +1 (787/939) 1 (787/939)+7 digits
Qatar 00 +974 6, 7, 10 digits
Reserved +970
Romania 00 +40 0 9 digits
Russia 810 +7 8 10 digits
Rwanda 00 +250 9 digits
Saint Helena 00 +290 4 digits
Saint Kitts and Nevis 011 +1 (869) 1 (869)+7 digits
Saint Lucia 011 +1 (758) 1 (758)+7 digits
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 00 +508 6 digits
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 011 +1 (784) 1 (784)+7 digits
Samoa 00 +685 3 to 7 digits
San Marino 00 +378 6 to 10 digits
Sao Tome and Principe 00 +239 7 digits
Saudi Arabia 00 +966 0 8 to 9 digits
Senegal 00 +221 9 digits
Serbia 00 +381 0 4 to 12 digits
Seychelles 00 +248 6 digits
Sierra Leone 00 +232 0 8 digits
Singapore 001, 008 +65 8 to 12 digits
Slovakia 00 +421 0 4 to 9 digits
Slovenia 00 +386 0 8 digits
Solomon Islands 00 +677 5 digits
Somalia 00 +252 5 to 8 digits
South Africa 00 +27 0 9 digits
Spain 00 +34 9 digits
Sri Lanka 00 +94 0 9 digits
Sudan 00 +249 0 9 digits
Suriname 00 +597 0 6 to 7 digits
Swaziland 00 +268 7 to 8 digits
Sweden 00 +46 0 7 to 13 digits
Switzerland 00 +41 0 4 to 12 digits
Syria 00 +963 0 8 to 10 digits
Taiwan 002 +886 0 8 to 9 digits
Tajikistan 810 +992 8 9 digits
Tanzania 00 +255 0 9 digits
Telecommunications for Disaster Relief (TDR) +888
Thailand 001 +66 0 8, 9 digits
Timor-Leste 00 +670 7 digits
Togo 00 +228 7 digits
Tokelau 00 +690 4 digits
Tonga 00 +676 5, 7 digits
Trial of a proposed new international service, shared code +991
Trinidad and Tobago 011 +1 (868) 1 (868)+7 digits
Tristan da Cunha 00 +290 4 digits
Tunisia 00 +216 8 digits
Turkey 00 +90 0 10 digits
Turkmenistan 810 +993 8 8 digits
Turks and Caicos Islands 00 +1 (649) 1 (649)+7 digits
Tuvalu 00 +688 5, 6 digits
Uganda 00 +256 0 9 digits
Ukraine 00 +380 0 9 digits
United Arab Emirates 00 +971 0 8 to 9 digits
United Kingdom 00 +44 0 7 to 10 digits
United States 011 +1 1 10 digits
Universal Personal Telecommunication (UPT) +878
Uruguay 00 +598 0 4 to 11 digits
Uzbekistan 810 +998 8 9 digits
Vanuatu 00 +678 5, 7 digits
Venezuela 00 +58 0 10 digits
Vietnam 00 +84 0 7 to 10 digits
Virgin Islands 011 +1 (340) 1 (340)+7 digits
Wallis and Futuna 00 +681 6 digits
Yemen 00 +967 0 6 to 9 digits
Zambia 00 +260 0 9 digits
Zimbabwe 00 +263 0 5 to 9 digits
F A Q | How to Call International

There are a few rules to follow when dialing or calling international numbers. You must know the international call prefix, the country dialing code, the area or city code, and then the subscriber number.

E.164 is the format used when dialing international numbers. The E.164 format is as follows: international call prefix + country dialing code + area code or toll free number prefix + subscriber number.

International calls are usually expensive. However, you can use an international call forwarding service to bypass long-distance calling rates and have international calls forwarded to your local number. Speak with our global specialists to learn more.

How to Make an International Phone Call

Takes About 1 minute
Making a call from the U.S.
Necessary Items:
image step 1
Dial the Exit Code
Depending on the country you are in, find the appropriate exit code (011 in the US) and enter it into your phone.
image step 2
Dial Country Code / Prefix
After you enter the exit code (international call prefix), enter the country code of the location you are trying to call.
image step 3
Dial City Code
After you dial the country code, enter the city code (if there is one)
image step 4
Dial Local Number
After you enter the exit code, country code, and city code enter the local phone number and voila!
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