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An image of a Middle Eastern man buying a phone number.
Source: Stockphoto.com O#20443 – MID#100145993563

Global Call Forwarding provides Middle Eastern phone numbers for businesses. There is no commitment to buy a virtual phone number from the Middle East.

We offer coverage in the following countries:

Arabic is the primary language spoken over the phone in this region. However, many languages are spoken throughout this region, including Arabic, Persian, and Hebrew.

We recommend that you set up your phone number and auto attendant with an IVR menu or Arabic greeting message.

Doing Business in the Middle East

Due to a certain level of global economic uncertainty, some companies are hesitant about expanding overseas in 2021. Yet this makes it a very good time to expand to the Middle East. The best way to create a client base in Middle Eastern countries is by using Middle East virtual phone numbers.

Important Things to Keep in Mind

If you want to establish a strong professional image in this region without having to maintain a physical presence, then Middle East virtual phone numbers are the way to go. If you do decide to do business in the Middle East, you must bear these factors in mind:

  • Choosing local partners: Even if you are making good use of Middle East virtual phone numbers, you may still wish to have a local partner in the region. This will help boost customer relations. Choose a partner you can communicate with, and choose one that will compliment your company and help you to establish a solid market position in MEA.
  • Be respectful: When you’re doing business in the Middle East, it’s essential to be aware of the cultural differences between Middle Eastern countries. When using Middle East virtual phone numbers, you must always remember to communicate in an appropriate manner to avoid offending customers.
  • Advertising your business: Your advertisements in MENA should be conservative. Make sure they do not contain any values which conflict with the local culture. Your ads should not directly compare two different brands. In order to build credibility, it is advisable to place emphasis on the functionality and quality of your products.
  • Establish trust: When you’re using Middle East virtual phone numbers, it’s important to establish a solid foundation of trust with all your contacts. Middle Eastern consumers will not trust those who are insincere and who do not take a personal interest in their culture and their country.


How to Buy a Middle East Virtual Phone Number

Contact Global Call Forwarding today to find out how to buy a Middle East virtual phone number. Your company can expand around the world. We can set you up with a free trial with no commitment. See firsthand how useful virtual phone numbers are.

6 Reasons to Buy Middle East Virtual Phone Numbers

Here are the top six reasons why you should buy Middle East virtual phone numbers:

How to buy virtual numbers from the Middle East.
Source: Stockphoto.com O#20443 – MID#100166322104
  1. Saving money: International calls can be made to your phone number at local rates. The calls are then forwarded to you. You can answer the call from the other side of the world. Plus, you don’t have to pay for dedicated hardware.
  2. Expanding your presence: Middle Eastern customers prefer dealing with local businesses. Middle East virtual phone numbers enable your company to establish a local presence, without being physically there. Mobile phone users will appreciate dialing a local number. They won’t have to deal with long-distance charges or international codes.
  3. Boosting your business profile: Virtual numbers can enhance your business profile, particularly if you run a global business. When you buy virtual numbers, you can use them for different functions or departments. This makes your company seem larger and boosts the company’s image.
  4. Maintaining consistency: Your Middle East virtual phone numbers are not tied to a specific device. This means that your team members can be reached wherever they are by always dialing the same number.
  5. Increasing security: Because you can log all calls made to and from your virtual numbers, you have total control of all call costs. You can set call limits and keep costs to a minimum. Having a security profile means no one will be able to make unauthorized calls. You will also be able to separate business and personal calls. In addition, you can take advantage of black and whitelisting to only answer the calls you want to.
  6. Using advanced features: When you buy Middle East virtual phone numbers from Global Call Forwarding, you have access to advanced features including failover, simultaneous ringing, time of day routing, geo routing, and voicemail to email.
F A Q | Middle East Virtual Numbers

Middle East phone numbers are virtual numbers for the countries in the Middle East. Locals within these countries and regions can call your phone number for inexpensive calling rates, no matter where you are located.

Global Call Forwarding offers phone numbers for more than 160 countries around the world, including Mexico virtual numbers, toll free numbers, and local numbers.

No, you do not need to be in the same location to use Middle East phone numbers. You can instead have calls forwarded to your main office or satellite offices around the world.

Having Middle East phone numbers will make it easier and inexpensive for local Middle Eastern customers and business contacts to call your business. This further encourages individuals to call your business for sales, partnerships, or customer service.

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Service Features

A reliable suite of included and premium features to power your business communications.

CRM Integrations

IVR/Auto Attendant

Cloud Call Recording

Virtual Voicemail

Call Flow Designer

Call Transcription

Time of Day Routing

Geographic Routing

Simultaneous Ringing

Sequential Forwarding

GCF Softphone

Outbound Calling

Outbound Caller ID

Number Masking

Failover Forwarding

Custom Reports

Call Blocking

Local Ringback Tones

Fax to Email

Rollover Minutes

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