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14 Best Softphone Apps (2024)

An image of the best softphone apps in 2023.

A modern technological marvel, softphones have revolutionized the way we communicate. In essence, they are software-based phone applications that enable you to make phone calls over the internet. This means …Read More »

9 Business Use Cases for International Phone Numbers

9 use cases for international phone numbers.

International phone numbers make it easy for businesses to expand and extend services to new markets globally. But how do you use these numbers effectively so that they get in …Read More »

Sprint Discontinues ITFS Number Service (News)

Sprint discontinues ITFS service.

As part of T-Mobile’s expansion plans, the company acquired Sprint back in 2020. Since then, Sprint has been gradually shuttering down its different services including discontinuing its ITFS number service. …Read More »

How to Design an Escalation Matrix in Your Call Center

How to create an escalation matrix for your call center.

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, round-the-clock customer support is a strategic necessity. If phone support is your preferred customer service approach, then you need to ensure customers can effortlessly connect …Read More »

Telecom Tips for Enabling a Global Service Desk Hotline

Image of a well-functioning IT Service Desk hotline across multiple countries.

In today’s interconnected world, businesses rely heavily on internal IT help desks or service desks to provide crucial technical support for their employees. Think of the service desk as the …Read More »

Cloud Call Center Software – Pricing Guide & Cost Comparison

call center software pricing

Purchasing the right cloud contact center software can have a significant impact on your business. The correct software will maximize agent productivity, improve customer service, and set the foundation for …Read More »

Legal Issues Regarding Call Recording

Someone may wish to record a phone call for any number of reasons, but it is important to take into consideration that there are both federal and state laws pertaining to the recording of calls. Being aware of legal issues regarding call recording is important for companies, in particular, who wish to record all customer service calls, as an example. United States federal law requires that at least one party taking part in a call be notified that the call is being recorded.

In addition to federal law, there are laws in some states that require only one party to be notified of the call recording, while other states require two parties to be aware of the call recording.

All-Party Consent States

Approximately 13 states in the United States require all parties to consent to a call recording. Those states include California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Washington State.

Call Recording in the UK

In the United Kingdom, there are several laws that cover the practice of recording phone calls. Unless you are able to guarantee that the call recording will not be shared with any third party and that the call is being recorded to either gather evidence, prevent a crime, or ensure regulatory compliance, it is the safest bet to consider the United Kingdom a jurisdiction that requires all parties of a phone call to consent to a call recording.

Canadian Laws on Call Recording

In Canada, there is an established single set of rules for all call recording, which is built into its electronic privacy law. Canada also has an all-party consent approach so that in order for a call to be legally recorded, a person/business must notify the others on the phone call that the call will be recorded, what the purposes of the call recording are, and that the call may only be recorded with the consent of every person on the phone call.

Call Recording in Ireland

Ireland also requires all party consent in order for a call to be recorded legally. The purpose of the call recording must be explained in detail to each participant of the call and each party on the call must give informed consent.

When companies are considering implementing a recording of phone calls for both outbound and inbound calling, it is customary to hear some type of default message that is either pre-recorded or stated by a company staff member. One that is heard commonly in announcing the recording of calls is, “For quality assurance, this call be recorded.” Another common one is, “This call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes.”

Some of the reasons companies may wish to record calls are for records-purposes. That is, if there is a dispute regarding an agreement regarding a contract or a payment, the company has the recording to fall back on for review and resolution of the dispute. Call recording is also used in order to support the improvement of customer service practices and for staff training purposes. For example, a recording may be used to demonstrate to new incoming staff members how a particular situation should be handled. In the same way, a call recording could be used to show new incoming staff members how a situation should not be handled. Call recordings can be very useful for staff training.

Legal issues regarding call recording can be complicated and sometimes controversial. It is the choice of a business owner to comply with all relevant regulations and any industry standards. Accomplishing the task of compliance requires careful research related to which laws apply to particular types of businesses. Legal issues regarding call recording also encompass a variety of call recording functions. These include, but are not limited to, issues of participant consent, regulations regarding the storage of recordings and the legality of putting a pause on and then resuming any live recordings.

In order to research legal issues regarding call recording for a call center, for example, a number of agencies and resources must be checked to ensure all aspects are covered in recording calls from and to various areas.

As it is easy to see, legal issues regarding call recording vary from state to state within the United States and they also vary from country to country. For a business that operates in various countries, it may be simpler to adopt an all-party disclosure and consent rule rather than aim to investigate and follow the rules of each market the business works within. Making sure that you and your legal team has a clear understanding of legal issues regarding call recording and always obtaining consent when in doubt is paramount.

Improving Internal Communications in Your Company

Failing to address the challenges that arise when companies due to poor communication within a company is a recipe for disaster. Miscommunication leads to losses in productivity, creates tension amongst coworkers, and results in a higher turnover rate.

Overlooking internal communication issues in your company also makes the hiring process much more difficult because the lack of communication makes it harder to translate company goals to new team members. When a new hire is brought into the business, it’s difficult for the individual to learn or seek guidance from other team members because there isn’t a clear path to follow or specific strategies for success. Furthermore, team members will not know how to properly represent the company.

The Importance of Improving Internal Communications In Your Company

Why is improving internal communications in your company so critical? There are many answers to this question, but one of the main reasons would be harmony and balance must exist between coworkers and management to build trust and encourage open, honest dialogue.
A lack of proper communication has a major impact on productivity and it can be the difference between reaching company goals and falling short on completing critical tasks.

Another negative impact of miscommunication is a high turnover rate. Turnovers cause companies of all sizes to lose money because the business must invest in the hiring and onboarding process, not to mention the training and compensation of new employees. When a new hire leaves unexpectedly, the process must start over and it will require more funding. When this happens on a frequent basis, the high turnover rate also brings the integrity and management of the company into question.

Strive Towards Improving Internal Communications In Your Company Regularly

Many business owners wonder what specific methods can be implemented to improve internal communications in your company. This answer will depend on your unique company structure and team, but there are actions that every company should take to improve their ways of communicating.

Internal communication can be improved in your company with the right mindset, transparency, and the use of technology. Whether your business is large or small, communication is key.

These key methods should be helpful for companies striving to communicate and improve their workplace with more clarity and efficiency.

Establish A System For Sharing Information

One of the biggest communication errors companies make is deciding to use a middleman to relay information. This can go wrong for various reasons. If communicating information between select employees, they may not understand the importance of making sure that everyone on the team receives the message. With so many daily tasks to handle, it’s easy for team members to forget sharing information that is not related to the immediate task at hand.

Another conflict that may arise from handing off information and priority documents to specific employees is the possibility of favoritism. If your staff feels that only one person or a few people on staff can be trusted with sensitive information, it may result in tension in the workplace. Hence, another reason improving internal communications in your company will be necessary.

work meeting
Source: Stockphoto.com O#100052465503

Maintaining a high level of transparency through the use of technology is the best way to avoid communication gaps. This is crucial for improving internal communications in your company. There is a wide selection of cloud communications technology that will allow managers to quickly upload important documents and notes so that all employees can access with just a username and password. When looking to share quick notes and attachments, there is the option of Dropbox, along with team messaging services such as Slack and WhatsApp for constant convenient communication. These apps also allow employees to give their input and ask questions in real time and read responses on similar topics.

Host Online Meetings

Consistent meetings are great for improving internal communications in your company. Just as the internet allows companies to share important documents, businesses can also use online technology to host online meetings, which is especially beneficial if you are working with remote teams.

Remote teams will not be able to attend most company meetups due to their location or time zone differences, however, this can be easily supported. The best way to make meetings convenient and cost-free for everyone is by using cloud phone numbers for conference calls or video messaging. Employees appreciate this because a feeling of inclusion through the sharing of information is great for team morale.

Hosting meetings online makes sure that everyone has access to the same information, eliminating silos and hierarchy. Hierarchical environments can make employees feel isolated, and this can make everyone more reluctant to communicate openly. This resentment often results in a loss of motivation and prolongs the time it takes for teams to take action and achieve success.

Define Your Company’s Mission and Set Goals

You know your company goals and mission, but do your employees know? When your aim is improving internal communications in your company, this is really important to set a foundation. Discuss company goals in meetings and have your company mission statement clearly visible in the workspace and online. These reminders will help keep everyone on track while helping employees better assist customers.

Understanding a company’s goals and mission creates a better customer service experience because representatives will demonstrate more confidence in their role and product knowledge. Along with in-depth knowledge, customer service associates will be able to provide support while respecting the tone and communication style of the brand.

Suggestions for Providing Excellent Customer Service

Businesses that place more emphasis on their customer service experience are much more likely to see better profits than a company who lets their customer service drop off. This comes from a straightforward idea that people want to be heard and cared for. It is a basic human need that a business can easily provide by ramping up their customer service efforts.

Every business can provide excellent customer service no matter what size their company is. You do not have to be a large corporation to use these tips and tools. From start-ups to small businesses, all companies can benefit from their customer service efforts without spending all of their capital. Here is how to create an excellent customer service experience for your customers.

1. Make the Right First Impression

From the moment that your customer walks into your store, your employees should know how to greet them in a way in which they feel comfortable and cared for. This goes for online businesses as well. Although a live, smiling face won’t greet your customers, they can have a great online experience through original web copy and an easy-to-navigate website.

2. Follow Up

Just like making a good first impression, you must also leave a lasting impact on your customers. This can be done through emails, birthday wishes, Christmas cards, member rewards, and sending out exclusive coupons. Small gestures like these can go a long way in the eyes of your customers.

3. Go Above And Beyond

One way to service your customers is to go above and beyond what your competitors are doing. Some companies provide free tea or coffee for their customers. Others pamper their customers by giving them hot towels and allowing them to relax in meditation rooms. Whatever works for your company and sets you apart will help you stand out and keep loyal clients in the end.

india call center agents4. Bring More People Into Your Store

If you have a space available that can be rented out during times that you are not usually open for business, do it. Some companies will host movie nights in their stores or provide a place for charity events. These events often attract more people than just your regular customers. It is a great way to be known in your community, and once you are a seen as an essential part of the city, you will see an influx of customers coming in that may not have heard of you before.

5. Respond on Yelp

Yelp and customer review pages on your website should be responded to, no matter what the review is. If a customer leaves a positive review, remember to thank them and maybe let them know when a sale is coming up on an item that they like. It is also equally important to respond to negative reviews. It can make the difference between saving or losing a customer for life.

6. Ensure There’s a Way for Customers to Reach You

Customers want to be able to reach the business that they buy products or services from. So it is essential to have a phone line where your clients and customers can call to speak to a customer service representative. If you cannot afford to have a customer service line open 24/7, then you must set up a voicemail system, and it is also imperative that you call your customers back as soon as you can. If you cannot call them back immediately, be sure to let them know when your office hours are and when the best time to call back will be. With Global Call Forwarding, you can get a virtual phone number that is equipped with voicemail, sequential forwarding for when some employees are out of office, and call recording, which is an excellent tool for learning which customer service techniques work best.

7. Work With What You’ve Got

If you have a smaller business, then you can use that to your advantage. While larger companies have to rely on large customer service teams and automated emails, a smaller company can pick up the phone and speak to their customers directly. They can also send personalized emails and send letters, when needed.

Empower Your Business to Succeed with the Best Communication

Effective communication is essential for your business to succeed. Not only does it transform the way your team works together, but it also reduces in-house conflicts and redundancies. If you communicate effectively, your employees will like you and will listen to you. So, what is effective communication and how do you develop it?

What is Communication?

Communication involves the exchange of information and the method used to make this exchange. In a company, whether it’s a small business or a global corporation, communication is the means by which people exchange information about various business operations. Maximum effectiveness of communication within any organization is very desirable. Here are the elements of effective organizational communication. It is necessary for it to be:

  • Verifiably factual: Optimal communication is comprised of information that is completely factually correct.
  • One hundred percent complete: It must express absolutely every important piece of information that needs to be said.
  • Completely accurate: As well as being complete, communication must be completely accurate.
  • Well-targeted: The information you are communicating must be aimed at the right group of people within your organization.
  • Easy to understand: You must organize the information so that the people who are listening to it do not need to spend a lot of time processing it to understand it.
  • Timely: The information you are conveying must be passed on at the right time.

Why Effective Communication is Vital for Your Business

Ineffective communication can cause all sorts of issues within your company. Workplace risks, incoherent policies, and under-performance are just a few. Optimal communication is key for decision-making and for allowing the flow of back and forth communication through your organization’s vertical channels.

A further benefit of effective communication is that it assists with cross-departmental coordination. This enables your organization to not only have a highly efficient system, but also one which is optimally collaborative, so that all your departments, be they marketing, HR, admin or acquisitions, are all aiming for the same goals.

Strategies for Developing the Most Effective Communication

Here are some measures to help you develop more effective communication throughout your company.

1. Make the most of multiple channels

By using more than one communication channel, you can establish exchanges of information that might not happen otherwise.

2. Improve two-way feedback

Nurture a positive environment and a sense of mutual respect by asking for and giving feedback throughout your organization.

3. Keep the steps to communication short

By making it easy for intra-communications to take place at and between all levels, you ensure improved fidelity in the exchange of information.

4. Be mindful of clarity

Encourage an organizational culture that always aims for sensitivity to the needs of the recipient of the information.

Strategies to Make You an Strong Communicator

If you introduce these tactics into your daily routine, they can help you become a more effective communicator.

1. Lead by example

Practicing what you preach goes a long way in the business world. If you always deliver on your promises, people will follow you because they trust you, so it always pays to be genuine and honest.

2. Keep it simple

Don’t over-inform your team. Too much information just causes confusion. Simply say what you mean; in the world of communication, less is always more.

3. Be authentic

Always strive to be the best version of yourself that you can be. Be who you are, and your team will know you are expressing yourself honestly.

4. Be here now

Always be present. That doesn’t mean that you can’t take a break from work from time to time, but when you are working on planning and strategy, be focused and be visible to your team. Make sure your presence does not go unnoticed. Always allow people a chance to see you around the company.

5. Leave your door open

Make sure that your team members feel they can talk to you when they need to. If you can’t leave your door open all the time, then schedule a time at least once a week when you can. That way your team will know that they can count on you.

6. Encourage self-improvement

Every time a member of your workforce learns a new skill, it’s better for your company as a whole. Many companies support continued education within or outside of the workplace. If you can’t support your employee’s self-improvement financially, at least try to maintain a little flexibility with their schedules.

7. Support vacation time

The last thing you need is a workforce that is burned out and unproductive. To make sure this never happens, be supportive of vacation time. Your team will be much more productive and creative if they are well-rested and refreshed.

Remember, improving your communication skills and strategies can make for a more productive workforce and more loyal employees.

Security Features of the New iPhones

The new iPhone XS and XR have finally dropped and with them, an abundance of security features. Thanks to the latest iOS update, iOS 12, your phone is safer than ever. In addition to the new OLED displays, aerospace-grade aluminum bands, and the professional “portrait mode” camera feature, there are great, new ways to protect your information. Smartphone security features have always been a point of pride by Apple, and with their latest innovations, they have clearly been a priority. Here are some of the latest updates you can expect to find on your iPhone.

Limits On Ad Tracking

If you’ve ever wondered why a website displays banner ads for a new toaster, car, or clothing items every time you’ve been searching the internet for a new toaster, car, or piece of clothing, then you’ve witnessed targeting ads. It is easy for a website to find out a bit of information on you every time you log on. Luckily, Safari on iOS has been blocking third-party cookies for some time. However, the new iPhones have an additional feature; now Safari can block social media sharing icons and comment boxes that automatically identify you and plug in your information. The new iPhones are also putting up a bigger fight against Facebook. Before, if you were logged into your Facebook account in your browser, any site could track who you are if they used a Facebook Share button, even if you decided not to share the page. Now, the browser is able to recognize when a website is tracking you and you can choose to block the tracker or not. This traffic-restricting tech will also be available on the new macOS.

Video Chat Will Be Safer

iPhone uses encryption for your privacy in everything from your texts to your pictures. Data cannot be read without a facial scan, fingerprint, or passcode. Now, FaceTime chats can’t be spied on either. All chats and videos sent between iPhones can’t be stopped and spied on by hackers, in fact, Apple can’t even gain access to them. Even now that Apple has updated FaceTime to include group chats for up to 31 people at once, encryption will be still be activated.

Stronger Password Protection

Safari already uses a tool where it suggests strong passwords and will keep them safe in a storage system. Apple claims that this tool will be stronger than ever in iOS 12. Your Safari browser will also recognize when you use the same password and login information for multiple accounts and advise that you change one. And you won’t have to worry about juggling all of these different passwords since iCloud will keep them all safe and linked between all of your devices.

Emergency Location Sharing

If you find yourself in an emergency where you need to dial 911, your iPhone will automatically share your location with the emergency operator. This is an extremely important feature that could save lives when timing is everything, or it can’t be vocalized for some reason. This is also important for people who find themselves in emergency situations while in unfamiliar places.

Better Hacking Security

The new iPhone is prepared for hacking criminals and law enforcement agents trying to hack into your information. Previously, if your phone was not unlocked for seven days the security would block attempts at entry. Now if your phone is not unlocked for one hour it will be prepared to block attempts at data retrieval from persons trying to crack your codes.

Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is commonplace for many secure websites such as those that deal with your money. A two-factor authentication means that you would need a code from your phone in addition to your username and password for entry into the site. This is a great inconvenience to a hacker, but it could also be annoying for you if you just want a faster entry into your information. This next great security update uses AutoFill to automatically fill-in your passcode on sites that you visit frequently. So not only are you doubly protected, but you also don’t need to add in double the information.

Communicating Across Cultures in Our Intercultural Business Landscape

Developing a global mindset and having cultural competency are the fundamental elements of having a successful business in the global and domestic marketplaces. In order to thrive in today’s integrated labor force, employees, expatriates, and their managers must know how culture can impact business practices and everyday communication. The global business market has become very diverse and, as a result of technology, there are no more tangible borders and impossible transportation/ exportation problems. The only intangible border that exists between multiple countries now is the communication barrier.

Differences, even if subtle, are common across all cultures, and are even evident across state lines in the US. There are differences in the ways that people talk, the ways they walk, and even how they eat their pizza. As a person entering into the global business field, you must expand your awareness of multicultural communication in order to take advantage of the opportunities and avoid things that may present challenges when doing business.

What is Globalization?

Globalization has been and will continue to be the creator of a new and ever-changing international business landscape. Globalization has served as the object tethering societies together no matter how far away in the world they actually are. People now work and communicate across cultures daily with immense simplicity, like they never have before.

As great as globalization may seem, it does come with its challenges. Globalization adds work for managers who have to take on the responsibility of handling the operations of not only their local business, but a global business as well. There is a need for managers to not only have the correct amount of education, experience, and competency, but they must also be able to conduct themselves properly in a setting where there are differences in societal norms and beliefs.

The Importance of Observing Cultural Differences

If a manager is not able to understand such cultural differences, then a corporate partnership or business relationship will essentially be ruined. Misunderstandings between different cultures can become costly for businesses if they are not conducting themselves properly in international territories. When the management is effective in different parts of the world it typically means that they have an awareness, respect, and understanding of the way multiple cultures think, act, and do.

In order to communicate in a cross-cultural manner, the management must be highly aware and prepared beforehand of the best ways to communicate with global business partners. Many corporations have become globalized already and the task of management has grown in difficulty and complexity. Furthermore, managers must now make decisions keeping in mind the issues of other countries. They are in charge of informing their employees and training their employees to be empathetic towards cross-cultural issues. If a manager and her team are not sympathetic to another culture’s issues, there will be disastrous and costly consequences that will affect the reputation of the corporation.

If intercultural business can be conducted properly, then a wide range of options become available for a company. Globalization has seen the growth of many companies beyond what any business was capable of before. Businesses that are successful in intercultural communications gain an advantage over their competition because they can more seamlessly flow into global expansions.

To understand the link between communication and culture, you must first understand that it is culture that influences how one communicates. It is not just language; there are also other characteristics, values, and traits that belong to certain cultures that need to be understood and respected. Culture and communication go hand-in-hand because it cultivates the way people interact, not just what they say.

To become successful in an international business landscape, steps must be taken to understand their language, products, and food. Those are givens, but you must also think about their values, such as what is considered right and wrong. Everyday norms must also be understood, such as how one conducts themself at dinners, in the office, and at home? Where people live and how they live is also important to consider when entering a person’s office or home. Each country is different from another, but doing your research on these key components will help you and your business to become successful in any country in the global marketplace.


If you are a business owner you’ve probably asked yourself which would be better for your company, a UIFN or ITFS number? There are a few key differences between these service numbers that you should learn about before making your decision.

What are UIFN and ITFS Numbers?

Before we delve into the differences between these types of international phone numbers, let’s do a quick recap of how these numbers function:

ITFS Numbers

ITFS stands for International Toll-Free Service. An ITFS number works like any other toll-free number, allowing customers to contact businesses without paying for the call. Calls made to an ITFS number can be delivered to other countries with international call forwarding. For example, your Mexico-based business has customers in South Africa. You can get a South Africa toll-free number and forward incoming calls to your office in Mexico. Callers from South Africa won’t be charged for the call.

Compare UIFN and ITFS numbers.

UIFN Numbers

Universal Free Phone Numbers (UIFNs) are toll-free numbers accessible from multiple countries participating in the UIFN program. When you choose this service, your business can advertise one number across multiple countries. Companies that benefit most from universal numbers are Software Services and Data Centers, Patient Care and Clinical Rehabs, Medical Research Companies, and Universities.

Understanding Whether Your Business Needs UIFN or ITFS Numbers

Since UIFNs seem like the more convenient option, should every business just use a UIFN? Why not just get one number for many countries, rather than one for each country? It sounds like the better option, but there are difficulties with universal numbers.

Global Call Forwarding offers both international toll-free numbers and universal numbers. Our experts can help you determine what type of number will best suit your business communication needs. Let’s look at the key differences between UIFNs and ITFS numbers.

1. Coverage

Currently, only 62 countries participate in the UIFN program regulated by the ITU. In comparison, you can get international toll-free numbers from more than 160 countries, including hard-to-reach and remote locations. You have a better shot at extensive global coverage if you go with ITFS numbers.

2. Formatting

Callers trying to call a UIFN number must dial their country’s international access code. Otherwise, they will not be able to connect to the business. This means that callers will need to dial their international dial / access code (IAC) followed by the toll-free prefix and the 8-digit subscriber number. Most callers may not know what the IAC or their country code is, leading to obstacles in calling your business. Learn more about how to dial a UIFN number here.

International toll-free numbers, on the other hand, look just like regular toll-free numbers, making them familiar and easier to dial.

3. Restrictions

Certain countries have restrictions placed on universal numbers. For example, in the Netherlands, UIFN is not required by law and therefore some phone providers do not offer voice access through their service. In New Zealand, UIFN numbers can only be dialed through two service providers, Vodafone and Telecom New Zealand.

In addition, people calling a UIFN from certain countries might hear a message that they’re being charged for the call. This can be discouraging to some potential customers.

ITFS numbers do not have these restrictions. In Taiwan, hotels are required to allow guests to dial ITFS numbers but not UIFN numbers. Such restrictions make international toll-free numbers a better choice.

uifn or itfs
Source: Stockphoto.com O#1202 – ID#100204678100

4. Expenses

A universal registration fee is required before you can start using your UIFN number. On top of that, there is an annual maintenance fee and then monthly subscription charges for each activated country. Fees for ITFS numbers are paid by the provider instead of the business, making these numbers the cheaper alternative.

5. Advertising

ITFS numbers are also easy to advertise on your website. You can simply provide the numbers through a drop-down box and have the country correspond to the correct ITFS number. If you are advertising your number through more than just your website, you might want to consider using a UIFN number. After all, you don’t want your costly advertising efforts to go to waste.

Which Number is Ideal for your Business?

Specific companies will benefit from both UIFN or ITFS in different ways. If you only deal with a few international countries, then there is no need to have to pay the registration costs and annual fees of universal numbers, so ITFS will do just fine.  But if you have customers in many of the 62 countries included in the UIFN program, then a universal toll-free number may be perfect for your business.

Still unsure of what is the best solution for your communication needs? Consult with our telecom experts. We’ve been providing businesses like yours with toll-free and local phone numbers for over 25 years. Let us help you find the right business phone number so you can communicate with your customers with ease. Call us at +1 (561) 908-6171 or chat with us online!

What is a Predictive Dialer?

When dialing a number manually, delays are typically caused by the phone continuously ringing while the caller does not answer and by the actual action of dialing the number. These problems are why researchers came up with a solution known as predictive dialing. If you have heard of robo dialers or auto dialers then you may also have heard of predictive dialers. Predictive dialers work in a similar way to autodialers with some slight differences between the two.

How Does the Predictive Dialer Work

A predictive dialer begins with a long list of telephone numbers that it is programmed to automatically dial. If a call is answered, then the call will be switched over to a human agent; this usually occurs within 3 seconds of answering. This is to minimize time wasted on humans placing phone calls one at a time. The predictive dialer uses an advanced algorithm to send out these calls at a rate that is meant to minimize the time that an agent waits to speak to the customer. The algorithm changes based on the number of agents available, so the possibility of someone answering and not being connected to an agent is also minimized.

Predictive dialers can also screen for voicemails and busy signals. These predictive dialers call multiple numbers at a time and use call metrics to predict the best time to send the call so that an agent will be available to answer. The intention is to maximize the number of calls that get connected to an agent in a day. An agent can possibly manually dial a customer and wait about one minute before getting an answer. The predictive dialer, however, calls several numbers at the same time and only those that are answered with a “Hello” will take up the agent’s time. The predictive dialing formula usually lasts about three seconds before an agent is connected with a customer on the other line.

businessman cellphone laptop
Source: Stockphoto.com O#1202 – ID#100150145640

The History of the Predictive Dialer

These dialers began nearly 30 years ago to make it easier for the banking industry to pursue debt collections. Predictive dialers began as hardware, but they are now available as an easy-to-set-up software. Many companies choose to use predictive dialing software for the reduction of up-front costs and IT expenses; they provide excellent cost savings, while the technology can be immensely time-saving. Another reason many companies choose to use predictive dialing software is that it is easily integrated into Customer Relation Management systems or CRMs.

When predictive dialers are working flawlessly, they provide agents with a constant flow of phone calls. Telemarketers and customer service agents can save a lot of time because manually dialing takes up to 30 seconds per call, and there is no guarantee that the phone call will be answered. Predictive dialers don’t just call multiple lines at once; the metrics can even calculate how long the answered phone call will most likely last. That way, agents can finish one phone call and immediately be switched to the next caller.

Who Uses Predictive Dialing?

Many companies take advantage of predictive dialing services. As previously mentioned debt collection agencies started the predictive phone call hardware and still use it today. Other businesses that use predictive dialing software tend to be in customer-service, market research, or telemarketing.

Not every company will find that predictive dialing is right for them. If your company is focused on creating customer relationships rather than quickly collecting a debt, getting fast answers, or solving an issue, then predictive dialers won’t work well. The mission for predictive dialers is to have a high turn-around; not to discuss important details on high-cost products and services.

However, if your company is in the business of selling everyday products or services, then you might find predictive calling a very effective way to see results. Agent productivity is especially effective when choosing to use predictive dialing software.

The drawbacks of high volume calling do not allow enough time to find out any real information. Although the efficiency of agents rises and the number of calls increases, there is a lack of background information that can be found. This means that agents will not be able to prioritize leads. The FCC has also banned auto dialers that do not have pre-authorized approval by the people the company is attempting to reach.

How Do You Provide Excellent Customer Service?

Customer Service is Paramount

When your business provides excellent customer service, your customers will often become loyal for life. When your customers become loyal to your business they will talk about your business to their friends, family, and coworkers; perhaps anyone who will listen – and they will do all of this marketing for free. Businesses shouldn’t require money to provide excellent customer service in hopes of gaining a better reputation, they should genuinely be interested in making customers happy as part of their game plan. After all, customers are the lifeblood of your company and your livelihood.

It’s All About the Experience

There are several steps that you can take to create the best experience for customers, both existing and new. This is about more than just providing a great product or service; the customer needs to enjoy everything about your company, from your website, to your store, to how your team speaks with customers over the phone.

Customer Service Techniques

Check out these techniques for building excellent customer service for your business.

1. Know What You’re Selling
There is nothing more annoying than an employee who can’t answer a question about a product. You and your staff should be informed on how everything you sell works and why a customer would need it. You will make a lot more sales if your employees know the way to sell an item. Be sure that your staff is aware of common questions that may be asked.

2. Treat Everyone With Kindness
Every customer that walks into your store should be welcomed with a friendly greeting and a warm smile. If someone asks you for help, you should be genuinely interested in helping them out. When speaking over the phone, it helps to talk with a smile because it changes your tone of voice. People can easily detect over the phone if a person is happy or not.

3. Express Your Gratitude
Always tell your customers “thank you” whether they have purchased something or not. If someone walks in and browses through the store, let them know that you’re thankful that they stopped in. They may come back later with friends if they had a nice experience and simply weren’t interested in buying at the time. Never forget to thank the customers who do make a purchase, and you can send them off with a farewell greeting as well.

4. Provide Employee Training
Not only must employees be literate in what products and services the company is selling, it is also important that they understand how to handle issues if they come up. A properly trained employee will rarely need to refer to a manager.

what makes a good customer service agent?
Source: Stockphoto.com – O#:100036645213 ID#100186088462

5. Be Respectful
If a customer is unhappy with a product, try not to mirror their energy. Use a relaxing and kind tone of voice and remember to apologize even if you think you shouldn’t have to. Customers can get very emotional and it is important that you and your staff keep your cool in heightened situations. It can make the difference between getting a customer for life or losing one and risk them bad mouthing your company.

6. Listen Intently
Listening is an important part of communication, especially in the customer service sector. Customers will feel respected when they can tell that you have genuine interest in what they have to say. It will also help you to solve their problem faster and more effectively when you’ve really understood what they meant.

7. Respond in a Timely Manner
Customers do not like to wait. Whether that means offering to call them back so they don’t have to wait for an available agent or responding to an email, it means a lot when you can say you’ve received their request and are working on the solution. Just because you cannot solve their problem right way doesn’t mean they should be ignored. Communicate to all of your customers that you have heard them and will begin working on helping them with their issue right away. In a busy store setting, you might be helping out one customer and see another hover around waiting their turn with their question. Just by simply acknowledging their presence, you will be able to watch their demeanor change to a more relaxed state as they wait patiently while you finish up with your first customer.

8. Request Feedback
A successful business is always eager to learn ways to improve their products and customer service. You can gain feedback in several different ways. Questionnaires and customer surveys are popular techniques businesses use to get information from their customers. You can send these via email, by calling a phone number they provided, or some businesses will provide a website to visit printed at the bottom of a store receipt. As a customer completes an order in store, you can also ask them personally what they thought of the experience, or after completing a purchase online you can add a pop-up that will bring them to a page for feedback.

9. Meet the Customer’s Needs
Once you have received feedback on your products, services, and practices, you can incorporate what you’ve learned to improve your business. Perhaps people don’t like the way your website is setup, or the dreary colors on the walls in your store; take their input into consideration and keep on improving.

If you follow all of these techniques you can build customer confidence and your business will be on the fast-track to greater success.